Wednesday 9 May 2012


Waa..dh brapa hari x singgah kt cni...
X tau nk tulis apa sb byk sgt nk tulis..
Lgpun penat + my mind is empty ya..hahaha
*Toksah le tulis bnda2 cmtu kalo dh empty mind ye dak? Hehehe

Owhh i loosen weight?
X sure la sb berat still maintain tp org kata..(org yg kate ok..)mcm im loosen weight..hahaha
Kali betul..syukurlah..kalo x betul..ill try to loosen my weight..

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Hari ini..

waktu bekerja 8am - 5pm
hari ini x berapa Busy..
sangat enjoy working...apalagi yerk??

Tuuu..tpt keje aku yer..

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Today I wake up at 6.30 am ..not because Public Holiday ya..hehhe because I need to take medication..
Then sleep..but my lovable hubbie is waking me up..haiyaa !
Im still sleepy.. activities for today is.. OUTING with my Bestie Mekala and Dearest students.. Omani, Nimalee and Tracy..

we are going to have fun in Sunway lagoon and cravingg for ICE SKATING..

So the Journey is begun....

Ini muka yang dah penat okeyy.. XD